Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Moving Check List

So, you've just purchased your new home.....with me as your Realtor, of course (wink, wink!)  What to do next.  Well, don't wait until your home is sold or the next one is purchased to start packing.  If you know you're going to be moving, start packing now.  The more you pack now as part of staging your home for sale and de-cluttering, the less you'll have to do once the actual move happens.....especially if you are moving to another city.  I've made three cross country moves and they are a LOT of work.  Here is a checklist of some things you might want to remember:

2 Months Before:
□  Sort through the contents of closets, drawers, and cupboards to weed out what you don’t want or need. Hold a yard sale, or donate unwanted items to charity.
□  Inventory everything of value you plan to move and determine replacement values forinsurance purposes.
□  Obtain estimates from several moving companies and choose one.

6 Weeks Before:
□  Finalize real estate or rental needs.
□  If moving out of town, make travel arrangements.
□  Notify your children’s schools of the move and contact new schools for enrollment
□  Obtain copies of school records, or have them sent to new schools.
□  Obtain copies of medical records for each family member.
□  Ask doctors to recommend doctors in your new community.
□  Consult insurance agents to find out if changes to policies are necessary.

1 Month Before:
□ Alert utility companies to disconnect services the day after you move and to have new service
activated several days before you arrive at your new house. Contact the chamber
of commerce in your new town for information on utility services.
□ If necessary, arrange for storage in your new community.
□ If you’re packing your house yourself, order supplies and start packing boxes.

1 Week Before:
□ If you’re packing your house yourself, finish packing boxes.
□ Confirm travel arrangements, if needed.
□ Arrange payment or deposit for movers.
□ Get cash to have on hand to tip movers.
□ Write directions to your new home for the moving company, confirm delivery date, and give the 
company your itinerary and cell phone number.
□ Complete change-of-address forms at the post office, and send notices to magazine 
subscriptions, creditors, friends and relatives, alumni organizations, credit cards, banks, and 
any other necessary companies and organizations.
□ Cancel newspaper subscriptions.
□ Notify your employers -- new and old -- of your new contact information.
□ Clean rugs and have them packed for moving.
□ Obtain health certificates from your vet for pets traveling by air.
□ Pack suitcases you plan to move yourself with clothes, toiletries, jewelry, and important financial 
records and documents.

Moving Day:
□ Pack your first-night box.
□ Accompany the mover as he or she inventories your possessions and makes condition reports.
□ Sign the bill of lading (ensure that the address and phone number are correct) and inventory, and 
keep your copies in a safe place.
□ Lock windows, turn off lights, close doors, and take a final tour after the movers have finished to 
make certain nothing is left behind.

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